Friday, May 28, 2010

My Course Beginning

I am arranged to work in the kitchen at Ruth's Chris in Rogers for one night per week. I will maintain the same position and just allow myself to improve my skills with each shift performed.
Working in the kitchen requires a shift beginning 2 hours prior to the doors opening to the public. This time is used for careful preparation for the night. Upon arriving, the kitchen staff receives information of the amount of guests expected so they are able to know how much preparation needs to be one for the evening.

Week 1: During the prep hours I prepared crab cakes, hollandaise sauce, and had 'broiler safety 101'. For business hours I worked with the 2nd broiler which is where the steaks that are cooked Medium Well to Well are prepared.

For the most part it was a slow evening so everything went smoothly. There were 0 customer complaints and the broiler only burned me once so it was a successful shift!

Friday, May 21, 2010


Hi, I am Kristi Vidler. I am a Food, Human Nutrition, and Hospitality Admin major at the University of Arkansas. I am completing my degree with this course and an addition of another this summer. Upon completion I intend to relocate to the West Coast in pursuit of an internship that will lead me to a career. I desire to work within a dream of a 5 star hotel on a beach as a banquet/ event coordinator! :) I've never made much use of a kitchen so this course will test my weaknesses and most likely put the staff and guests at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse in danger. But I'll only put forth my best efforts!